Status magic ff8
Status magic ff8

status magic ff8

If you don't take it seriously, you may end up dead. It's used for training, and they have real monsters running loose here. It's the only facility open during the night. This is where you get treated for your injuries, but a lot of students just come here for advice." : "What's the doctor's name?" : "Doctor Kadowaki. South of the West Block is the infirmary. You wanna help out, too!?" : "Let's just continue. There's an event being planned there." : "I know! I know! It's the Garden Festival! It's going to be great! I'm planning to be on the committee. The front gate is located to the south." (That's right.I have to go meet Instructor Trepe at the front gate.) : "Hm? What's the matter?" : "Nothing.Next, we have the quad, located in the West Block. We usually take the Garden car when a mission comes up. You better get used to waiting in line." : "Got it!" : "East of the North Block is the parking lot. There's always a big rush for the hot dogs. West of the North Block is the cafeteria. There aren't too many students who commute." : "Yeah, I'm in the dorms, too!" : "You can rest and change in there. A majority of the students live in the dorms. Next, I'll give a quick explanation of the various facilities." : "Yes, sir!" : "You'll find a dormitory to the north. It's a good idea to check where you want to go, and select it here." : "I have a question! How do you use this?" : "Move the cursor and press (X) to select. Well, see ya." (If Squall doesn't have the time, the girl will walk into the classroom he just left if he finds the time, he'll take her down to the lobby directory via the elevator.) : "That's the directory." (They walk over.) : "Well, this is it. " R2: "Don't have the time." : "Oh, bummer. Do you think you could give me a quick tour of this Garden?" : R1 -> Sure R2 -> Don't have the time R1: "Sure." : "Whoo-hoo! Alright, let's go!" : "We'll take the elevator to the 1F lobby and I'll show you the. Oh yeah! Hey, did you just come from that class? Is.homeroom over?" (Squall nods.) : "Woo.Oh, nooo.This place is soooo much bigger than my last Garden! Oh, hey, hey. Oh yeah! Hey, did you just come from that class? Is.homeroom over?" R2: "." : "There. He hears someone yelling from down the way:) : "I'm late, I'm late, I'm LATE!!!" (A girl in uniform runs down the hallway and bumps into Squall, knocking her to the ground.) : "Waaah!" : R1 -> Are you ok? R2 ->. " (Squall walks out into the large hallway outside. I'll be waiting at the, so come down when you're ready. If you're not too confident yet, you can review your studies at the. I need to talk to you." (Squall walks over to Quistis.) : "You haven't been to the yet, have you? You won't be able to take part in today's SeeD exam if you don't pass this prerequisite." : (.I was gonna go this morning, but Seifer.) : "Hm? Do you have a good excuse?" : ".Not really." : "Then let's get going. I will see you all later." (Everyone starts to leave.) : "And Squall. Be careful from now on." (Seifer looks over at Squall and slams his hand on his desk.) : "Field exam participants. Any questions? Oh, and Seifer! Do NOT injure your partner while training. I'll announce the team assignments there.


Field exam participants will have free time until the exam. Those not participating and those who failed last week's test are to remain here in study hall. Yes, the field exam for SeeD candidates will begin later this afternoon. There seems to have been some rumors flying around since yesterday. The two finally arrive in one of the classrooms and the students lounging before the bell walk to their seats.) : "Good morning, class. Tell me more about yourself." : "It's none of your." : ".Business!" ( The two walk through the massive structure, and it shows other students walking around. That's all." : "I'm more complex than you think." : "Then tell me. I feel like I'm finally beginning to understand my student a little. Hahaha!" : "What's so funny?" : "Funny? No, no, it's not that! I'm just happy. Is there something on your mind?" : "Not really." : "Not really. Today's the field exam." (Quistis and Squall start down the hallway.) : "Squall. Squall's instructor, Quistis, then walks into the infirmary.) : "I knew it'd either be you or Seifer! Come on, let's go.

status magic ff8


(A girl walks into view in one of the windows and looks down at the injured fighter.) : " we meet again." (Squall looks over and the girl walks away without saying another word.

Status magic ff8